Cloud services have become the de-facto source of digital transformation for enterprises in every industry and the preferred IT consumption model for consumers.
Until now, European cloud and IT service providers have been operating in the shadow of global cloud players, but new opportunities are emerging for them as the market evolves. On the other hand, users need to be aware of evolving technology and supply trends to make the best choices concerning the cloud infrastructures they need to support their digital transformation journeys
This workshop was organized on the 4th February 2021 by ATI and IDC on behalf of the European Commission DG GROW, Executive Agency for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (EASME).
→ You can now fully access the report to find out how Cloud computing and in particular policies, initiatives and services are being developed to foster cloud computing adoption within the EU landscape
→ You will have access to key feedback from:
Manuel Mateo Goyet, Deputy Head of Cloud and Software Unit, DG CNET
Mark Dietrich, Senior Advisor, EGI Foundation, H-CLOUD Project
Radu Vunvulea, Group Head of Cloud Delivery, Endava Romania
Athanasios Drougkas, NIS Expert, Secure Infrastructures and Services Unit, ENISA
Catherine Nohra China, Founder, B2CLOUD
Roberto Beneduci, CEO, Coretech, Italian member of Digital SME Alliance